Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How hot is it.....

So Summer is here even though it might not be official yet...
So far for the last couple of weeks it has been over 35 degrees, and this week it has been 40 all week.
Aidan has decided that it would be fun to wear his lion's outfit through out this heat and try to eat us all
My mum and dad have come down early for a visit sa next week we are off to Sydney for me to have another operatin as evil cancer just loves me and does not wanted to parted from me. So I'm off to have my lymph nodes in my groin removed. Mum and Dad will catch up with my sister and mum's family. as for Family Brown well Gabby is most excited as the hostel where they are staying on the hospital grounds has a tennis court and swimming pool. As I write she is at school telling the same thing for her news day at school. But with the positive spin that only 7yr old can tell about how exciting the activities will be at the hospital.
So no other news my friends a bit boring, oh we got food poisining on Sunday night just been from dodgy Chinese, that was a fun moment. Mum and Aidan werre the only ones not to get sick. AJ because he wanted vegimite snadwiches and mum well it looks like she could live her life out on the streets of India and be fine. So no Cobar Golf Club food for us any more.
Take care my blogby friends and next time hopefully will have more gossip.
cheers xxxx