Monday, December 21, 2009

Well Christmas is apon us and the season is to be merry.
For us this year will have extra happiness than usual. I ended up having a full hysterectmy and my lymph nodes in my groin removed, but was told that the doctor was able to remove ALL of the cancer. So YAY for us.
Michael Brown went a little crazy with the Christmas lights this year. It's funny what the threat of death can turn people to.........most would be booze for us it was Christamas lights!!!
Anyway we went in the Cobar Christmas light compitition andcame second. We won 150 "Cobar Quids".
Which means we have 150 dollars to spend in any shop in Cobar. Still tossing up with what we will do with it.
So other than that my friends it's just the usual humdrum of craziness that involves preparing for Christmas. It has been very hot this year but hopefully it won't be too bad Christmas day. We can put up the baby pool if things get desperate.
Anyway the photo's I've put up are our house on judgement night, the local kids and us trying to take our Christmas pic.
Anyway my darlings take care and hope you all have a very merry chrstmas and will chat soon..................