Friday, December 30, 2011

Devil's Rock....

Sonumber 28 is Devils rock.

All I know about this is what the sign says. Local Aboriginals consider this place EVIL!!! So we take everyone there who visits Cobar and invaribly one or more people climb all over it. It is actually a monolith. Exactly like Uluru( Ayres Rock). It's either half or a quarter is showing and the rest is under the ground. Of corse in keeping with Cobar tradition of loving the mines, there is an old mine shaft right behind it. 2nd born thinks it's funny to climb under the barbed wire and teeter on the edge of it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

#27 Netball

So first born decided she wanted to play netball this year. Was a little bit unsure on how she would go but she loved it and especially loved the idea of getting her nickname embroided on the back of her shirt. So every Saturday morning we toddled down through rain, wind, sun and wind. Think i might hae a future little netball star....The highlight of "netters" was the Fathers Day game. Lots of laughs and a little bit of cheating on the daddy's behalf!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

#26 Sheep Dog Trials

Every year Cobar hosts sheep dog trials. Every year we go down and attempt to watch and either one or both of the kids become bored. Every year it rains. This year it was raining that hard that we were only able to get there right at the end. we watched a "lady" farmer put her dog through and she did very well and just missed out going through the next round.


So have been very slack and as much as i want to finish off 101 things of Cobar Iam thinking that I may not be able to do it. Life is a funny thing. We have just bought a hardware store so things for the last couple of months have been boardering on crazy.