Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So after spending Christmas with grandma and grandpa, family Brown drove down the coast of Queensland and we stopped for a couple of days of R&R at a little seaside town called Bargara.
This place is divine. It's the most northern surf beach before the reef starts.
The sea turtles come here to lay their eggs, and it's a cruzy little town that has not been over run by tourists!!!

Also the town of Bunderburg is only about 15 k's west so everything is close by if the need arises.

The Bunderburg rum factory is there as well!!

So why am I telling you this????

We fell in love and this is our little unit that we bought.

It's just delightfull.

This is the view from the grassed area out the front of our unit.

Look at that.
Brown boy has decided that he wants to be the maintenance manger at the Bundy rum factory, and this is where we should move to......
Maybe but not just yet!

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