Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So how are times changing.

I found this photo of Michael with Aidan and Owen. It's funny how grandparents say that time goes in the blink of an eye, and they start looking back at their lives, but you know what just looking at this photo makes me sad for times that I'll never see again or things I should have done better.

I look at Aidan in this pic and think "man I was smoking then " What was I thinking. But in my own head I justifying everything. But I think that's what most people do don't they. Life does go past so fast.

I think it feels like it goes quicker when you have children as you have a time stick as such. So as each year goes past you get to say gosh haven't they grown. things change, people move and the world keeps turning.

The last few months for us has seen a lots of friends and work mates move on to bigger and better things. So I guess it's got me thinking about what is best for the Brown's and how do I shield my kids form the heartbreak that is life in mining. Our street that we live in has gone from having about 15 kids under the age fo 10 to 3.

The latest to move away is Gabby's friends Arki. Those two have been friends since preschool, and even though Gabby understands that a lot of her friends have gone it's manifesting in other ways. She has sudden attacks of not feeling well after each child has departed.

So what do i do? Do I constantly worry and not let her or ourselves for that matter be friends with people that will leave us or do I tell her that this is life and let the good times roll.

I guess we all leave eventually....

Monday, January 18, 2010

So I have been clicking on the button that says "next blog" gee there are a lot of bloggers out there that have things to say and really quite indepth stuff.
So it got me to thinking should I start writing stuff down about what has happened to us over the last few years. Actually would it make any difference if I did write stuff down as Idon't think anyone reads my blog so this could be just the ramblings of Sam.
Just reading stuff that people write, it makes you wonder why do people write/vent on blogs instead of writing in a diary. Is it that it is quicker easier than getting out a book and is the art of writing a dying form or is it that after bearing their souls to the big wide world that they may or may not in some cases get a sympathetic reaction. In saying that here am I writing to the world letting people glimpse into our life.
So do I start to write down how I feel about having a major cancer scare again and the fun times of menopause is having on me or do I still write my nice fluffy little bits that may or may not be read.
To be perfectly honest I'm not too sure if people want to read any deep and heavy shit. What went through my mind while having all of my operations and the wonderfull waiting of results is something that I don't think most people would want to hear. I know for sure that Mike would not want to read about a friend and her shortening uterus or intestine issues, so why then do people put up such intense private things on their blog. It fascinating. One blog even had pictures of a womans insides and what would be the next procudure in her quest to fall pregnant.
Please don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be horrible or nasty, I'm curious as to why.
Do these people like us have no relo's where they live and therefore put the blog up or is this a cheap option to therapy.
It's interesting don't you think?????

So Happy New Year to you all....

So far 2010 is starting out to be fantastic, we have been having REALLY hot weather which has been offsetted by going to either the public pool or jumping inot our baby pool.

We went down to Ward oval on the weekend as it was a very windy day, to fly kites. Gabby and Aidan had their friend Molly come along and then we also asked some other friends and it ended up being a kitefest!!!

The kids were also fascinated by the hawks nest up in one of the trees.
The babies were flying in and out of the nest!!!

After a couple of hours though everyone was worn out and we all slept well that night