Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So how are times changing.

I found this photo of Michael with Aidan and Owen. It's funny how grandparents say that time goes in the blink of an eye, and they start looking back at their lives, but you know what just looking at this photo makes me sad for times that I'll never see again or things I should have done better.

I look at Aidan in this pic and think "man I was smoking then " What was I thinking. But in my own head I justifying everything. But I think that's what most people do don't they. Life does go past so fast.

I think it feels like it goes quicker when you have children as you have a time stick as such. So as each year goes past you get to say gosh haven't they grown. things change, people move and the world keeps turning.

The last few months for us has seen a lots of friends and work mates move on to bigger and better things. So I guess it's got me thinking about what is best for the Brown's and how do I shield my kids form the heartbreak that is life in mining. Our street that we live in has gone from having about 15 kids under the age fo 10 to 3.

The latest to move away is Gabby's friends Arki. Those two have been friends since preschool, and even though Gabby understands that a lot of her friends have gone it's manifesting in other ways. She has sudden attacks of not feeling well after each child has departed.

So what do i do? Do I constantly worry and not let her or ourselves for that matter be friends with people that will leave us or do I tell her that this is life and let the good times roll.

I guess we all leave eventually....

1 comment:

  1. Hey where's the smoking hot photo?
    If it helps. Mining you always bump into those people again at some point. We'll live close again. Aidan won't come running to me again for giggles and hugs but maybe he'll come running over for food as a teenager.
