Tuesday, June 29, 2010

#6 in GBU&I: The big can of beer ontop of the Grand Hotel.....I thought I'd leave this one till the last day of June.
Happy Birthday you have turned 10 this month!!!!
Imagine the stories you could tell

Saturday, June 26, 2010

#5 in GBI&U of Cobarland: the never ending roads
I love the small town feel and community spirit that makes Cobar the place that it is, but I detest the driving to go anywhere. To get to the nearest large town is 4 hours west, 4hours south, 3 hours east and I would say at a guess 4 hours north. Driving is in no way plesureable as you have to watch out for kangaroo's,emu's foxes, goats and sometimes sheep or cattle and overtaking b double trucks is just plain sucky. So there you go number 5 is going to be classed as UGLY!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

#4 in GBI&U....Mt Grenfell.
This is about an hours drive west of here and have the most amazing

Aboriginal rock art. It's a fun day out as well as it's not too far

of a drive and if your lucky you get to see some wildlife on or around the road. We are off there this weekend for a friends 8th birthday "picnic party".
Where the drawing's were done was apparently where the local aboriginal's would go when it was flooding. Truly amazing of how one can keep their histroy alive without the aid of modern technology.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

#3 of GBU&I of Cobar.....GROG
Everyone out here drinks, some more than others I will grant you that, but most people out here know their wines. It's funny how you will turn up to someone's house for a bbq and there are people drinking 70 dollar wines. Cheese is another one where I have found Cobar people to be a bit snobbish as well.
It's funny how a lot of people I know think we live in the backwater docks of hell and therfore all around us must be ignorant hicks, but there they are wrong. Cobar people know their wines, what is good, bad and just plain ugly and they are also well travelled, most of my Sydney friends would have no idea where I grew up just that it's somewhere in Queensland,but Cobar people have a grasp a geography.......just because one chooses not to live in a large central city or town does not make them any less educated than the ones who do. Actually I have found the opposite to be true!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

#2.....Changing of the season's. We don't get much variety out here in the way of garden's. So once and awhile it's nice to see tree's changing colour. Don't get me wrong, Australian native look is fantastic but most people do not embrace that look so they go for the tradtional look but when one lives where it can get up to over 40 degree's for a couple months at a time there is not a huge variety one can grow.
So when I see these tree's it reminds me that the small things in life can colour your day.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

101 things Good, Bad, Ugly, and Interesting of Cobar.......................

#1 My family.........
love them to death. They are on the good list, allthough sometimes they all or some of them can get on the interesting list, don't want to publically say they have been on the ugly or bad list hehehe
Ok so have decided to steal an idea off a very good friend's blog and do 101 good, bad and ugly things of Cobarland and surrounding areas.........That is why I have not posted things for awhile have been searching.