Tuesday, June 15, 2010

#3 of GBU&I of Cobar.....GROG
Everyone out here drinks, some more than others I will grant you that, but most people out here know their wines. It's funny how you will turn up to someone's house for a bbq and there are people drinking 70 dollar wines. Cheese is another one where I have found Cobar people to be a bit snobbish as well.
It's funny how a lot of people I know think we live in the backwater docks of hell and therfore all around us must be ignorant hicks, but there they are wrong. Cobar people know their wines, what is good, bad and just plain ugly and they are also well travelled, most of my Sydney friends would have no idea where I grew up just that it's somewhere in Queensland,but Cobar people have a grasp a geography.......just because one chooses not to live in a large central city or town does not make them any less educated than the ones who do. Actually I have found the opposite to be true!!!

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