Thursday, August 18, 2011

#18: Motor bike riding....

So last weekend we went down to the "old Res" and went motor bike riding. This was a fun afternoon. We had just celebrated my 40th birthday and had family and friends come out from Sydney. So we thought we'd have a Sunday afternoon motorbike riding. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be hanging out with dirt bike riders or RIDING!!!

None of us were riding crazy and I do not know how to drive a manual car so I am incapable of getting out of 1st gear on my daughter's bike. She is the same so it's not like we are breeding speed demons. Will have to get Aidan a helmet and some bike gear as he is starting to love riding. Anyway I think everyone had a nice day, a sausage sizzle was had, magazines were read, kids laughing, and not too cold weather.

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