Sunday, September 18, 2011


So number 25 in Good, Bad and Ugly of Cobarland.....we went to a clearing sale recently. This was held at a yard in the industrial area of town, when usually they are held on a station. What is a clearing sale??? It's just a huge garage sale, where EVERYTHING is for sale.

Usually old mate the farmer or his wife has passed on or the evil banks have forclosed and it's a fire sale. There was a huge amount of stuff for sale here. The general public was invited to bring their stuff and sell it off. It was fun to watch and see what was on offer. My daughter was really taken by the way the auctioneer was talking. Farm auctioneers speak very differently from real estate ones. but I must admit I don't mind listening to them roll all of those numbers off their tounge without skipping a beat. I even struggle to work out how much is being bidded!! It was a dusty,dirty, hot and interesting day. We decided not to buy the air hockey table!! Oh and the finch and his cage went for 40 dollars

Friday, September 2, 2011


#23 of Good, Bad and Ugly of Cobarland....hhhmmmm not sure if this is a combo of all 3!!

So we have the good as the lamb is a little girl and her name is Philly or Phillomenia. The bad is she wakes at 6am DEMANDING her milk. The ugly is that I came outside yesterday and she was so happy to see me she jumped up, and as her hooves slipped down my pants so did the poo that she had just trodden in.

But the kids are loving her and we only have her for the weekend so it's not a big drama. It has however made me realise that our rabbit Bunny Foo Foo may indeed be loney for company.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big Cobar Sign

#22: So I thought I should do the "Big" Cobar sign. It is a must for all people passing through our humble little town to stop and take a photo of this Landmark. As you can see from the first pic it is quite large and it sits in front of the slag heap of the old original mine that was used way back last century. I would love to take credit for the night shot but that goes to my friend and fellow photography lover Tim.