Friday, September 2, 2011


#23 of Good, Bad and Ugly of Cobarland....hhhmmmm not sure if this is a combo of all 3!!

So we have the good as the lamb is a little girl and her name is Philly or Phillomenia. The bad is she wakes at 6am DEMANDING her milk. The ugly is that I came outside yesterday and she was so happy to see me she jumped up, and as her hooves slipped down my pants so did the poo that she had just trodden in.

But the kids are loving her and we only have her for the weekend so it's not a big drama. It has however made me realise that our rabbit Bunny Foo Foo may indeed be loney for company.

1 comment:

  1. I would so be on your doorstep with camera in hand.... and maybe some donuts.
