Monday, October 26, 2009

Things that have happened

So this is what has been happening so far. Aidan is now toilet trained!!!! He is also eating food. So YAY on that front. How diid this all happen? Well I had to go to Sydney, last week, and have a hysterectmy to rid evil cancer from my body once and for all and Michael Brown was in charge. So, I could go down the guilty mum road and cry and winge that I'm a bad mother, and Mike's a better parent but I won't because I know I'm not. I'm just related to a dwarf scam artist, who smiles his cute smiles or cries and mummy lays down while he walks all over me. But life is now over in AJland Iam better(sort of,have very sore tummy at the moment) and bad cop daddy has snapped him into line.

Michael Brown has declared that after his week of looking after his little loved ones, that I must now go to uni and get a degree that earns around the same money as he does so he can quit and be a house husband. I'm thinking telling him to bake a cake for the playgroup mummies was not a good idea!! Anyway he loved it and I'm thinking the positive side of having ones organs removed is that being Lady Muck is excellent. Thank you Joanne for Tess the cleaning lady; Michael Brown is my cook and Gabriella Louise is excellento in getting herself ready in the mornings for me. Now if I can get Aidan to learn how to do either head or foot massages life would be perfect.hehehe. Really my friends all is good in Brownie land xxx

Rodeo comes to town

The long weekend in October was a pleasure/pain sort of weekend.

On one hand my sister and brother in law came to town to hang out and see the rodeo.

But the flip side was our dear friends the Strom's were leaving to go back home to Canada.

Aidan and Owen(Strom' youngest) are little best buds so it nice to watch them hang out getting into whatever they could.

Our mantra for the weekend was YEE-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


We went to Trilby Station at the end of September with friends, for the weekend.

The station is located by the Darling River, near Louth, a little villiage about a hourand half north west of Cobar. One could say we went bush forthe weekend. hahaha yes busher than where I already am haha.

Good times were had: we celebrated three birthday's, spent time with the Strom's who departed Australia the following weekend to return back to Canada and the kids sort of went lord of the flies on us down by the river with their engineering skills on how to cross the river WITHOUT adult help ...... everyone survived!!! I however had something touch me in the clay coloured river attempting to take photo's.

Would go back again, next time however can do without the dust storms, we went the following weekend after THAT dust storm and they kept on coming!!

All in all everyone had a relaxed happy and fun weekend

Sunday, October 25, 2009


More pics of Sydney........


We went for a quick trip down to Sydney at the end of August. Had fun catching up with family and friends.

We had loads of fun playing the tourist as well......

August was a funny month. Busy but not so busy.

We went up to Gunnedah one weekend to check out some investment opportunites.

Gunnedah is hailed as Koala capitol of Australia,but we were unlucky in seeing any. All saddness about not seeing koala's was soon forgotten when the "Golden Arches" was spied. We had a fun weekend especially running through the canola fields on the way home!!!


Well fellow followers how slack am I...
This year has gone so quickly.
So thought I'd put some pics up to show you how the last 3 months have been going!!
August was the annual Cobar Public Sports Day, where lots of fun was to be had. Aidan even was allowed to get in on the act.