Monday, October 26, 2009


We went to Trilby Station at the end of September with friends, for the weekend.

The station is located by the Darling River, near Louth, a little villiage about a hourand half north west of Cobar. One could say we went bush forthe weekend. hahaha yes busher than where I already am haha.

Good times were had: we celebrated three birthday's, spent time with the Strom's who departed Australia the following weekend to return back to Canada and the kids sort of went lord of the flies on us down by the river with their engineering skills on how to cross the river WITHOUT adult help ...... everyone survived!!! I however had something touch me in the clay coloured river attempting to take photo's.

Would go back again, next time however can do without the dust storms, we went the following weekend after THAT dust storm and they kept on coming!!

All in all everyone had a relaxed happy and fun weekend

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