Wednesday, October 27, 2010

#11 in Good, Bad and Ugly in Cobarland: The mines. I have only been to one of the 3 major mines out here. The pictures are of Peak Gold mine. This is where Michael Brown works.
I have yet to go underground, there is (in my mind of course) something not right about going that far into the earth. I do not like going on the Sydney Harbour tunnel either.
Just as a matter of trivia.....the ground that we are used to seeing is black or in outback land red, but once one gets a few kilmeter's under the earth's surface it changes to a white grey colour. The same colour a cement. How do I know this? Well one of the first days Brown boy started at Peakypeak he came home covered in cement and cement dust and I lost it at him telling him I would not wash that crap in my machine, turns out it's dirt....underground dirt.
Learn a new thing everyday .

#10 on Good,Bad and Ugly things in Cobar: Big mining things...
If not every day at least every second day there are big overloaded trucks coming through town.
Most do not have police escort, most however have their own private escorts. It's an interesting site to watch and wonder on just how much the mining boom is in this country

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

#9: EMU'S: These pesky creatures are interesting,fascinating,dorky and dangerous.....mainly when they go through your windscreen on your car!!!
Also hate them when they are tame as they become way too curious and a little bit on the pecky side.
They are however terribly cute when they are babies and the eggs that they lay are a beautiful jade green. If you ever get to the township of St. George in Southern Queensland, go check out the museum there of carved emu eggs.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

#8 in Cobarland: RED DIRT.
This stuff is EVERYWHERE, and to make matters worse it does not come out of your clothes. When we first moved here first born would put on one of her many pretty white dresses. Now when she puts on her pretty black or navy dresses I am calm. I have learnt to live with it and can even live with the the kids getting their clothes stained, it's just I miss wearing white,or actually any light coloured pants. One day I will not have little kids running round my house who liketo give me hugs and I will miss that but no way will I ever miss the red hand prints that came with thoses hugs!!

oopps. Wow the last post was July. How quickly has time flown.
So what's been happening????
Well I quit my job as a therapy facillitator. This is so I can try and get little Aj ready for school. We are as I type having extreme difficulty in trying to find a private speech pathologist. I am awaiting people from Griffith to get back to me as I have tried Dubbo and there is long waiting lists or the speechy's are no longer working.
So here we are getting back to GB&U of Cobar. I will post nuber 8 right now......