Wednesday, October 20, 2010

#8 in Cobarland: RED DIRT.
This stuff is EVERYWHERE, and to make matters worse it does not come out of your clothes. When we first moved here first born would put on one of her many pretty white dresses. Now when she puts on her pretty black or navy dresses I am calm. I have learnt to live with it and can even live with the the kids getting their clothes stained, it's just I miss wearing white,or actually any light coloured pants. One day I will not have little kids running round my house who liketo give me hugs and I will miss that but no way will I ever miss the red hand prints that came with thoses hugs!!


  1. Yeah!!! More photos. Red Dirt I still remember dropping my white bed sheets in it while putting it on the laundry line. My language was very colourful that morning!!! XOXO

  2. we have red dirt where i live in sidmouth, devon, england.....and even when you swim in the sea your white cloths come out tinged red....its most annoying but when i see the dirt turn red i know that i am not far from home x x love the glimpse of your life x x
