Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Number 15 in 101 good,bad and ugly things of Cobar:

So number 15 today is : People coming to town. Way back in June, when it was the rugby league season. The David Peachy foundation in conjuction with NSW Country Rugby Leauge came to Cobar and did a footy clinic. This was fantastic. Not only were they promoting the sport, and healthy issues, the clinic was open to under 5yr olds.

This is usually unheared of for most sports.

When I had my first child I was quite easily able to manipulate her into doing things I wanted her to do. However 2nd born wants to do what 1st born does, and usually with sport one has to be 6 and older. So telling him NO he can not join in has been on occasion a nighmare. So imagine my surprise when I saw the ad in the paper saying they were going to do an under 5's footy clinic.

Here was a "boy" sport that he could do.

This was a fun couple of hours and it's good to see that there are some sports people out there who have not forgotten their roots. So a big gold star to David Peachy and his foundation for remembering that there are kids in the bush as well as city kids that like to play footy!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

#14 in GB&U of Cobarland

So the rain it came down..... We don't get much freak storms of the wet variety. But for the second time in 4years we had hail. It came down and did not stop for over an hour.
Do not know what I like better dust storms or rain storms!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

#13 of GB&U: Butterflies.
November is the time of year that we see the butterflies. When we came out here from Sydney we seemed to be driving though a sea of butterflies. It was the only bright spot in a very emotional journey (that and the margarita's the night before at some resturant).

This year they are around but not in the number's of past summers.
I thought I'd put in the ladybeetle as well, 'cause their cute.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So am having problems uploading my pictures. I have installed a new program and have yet to work out how to move the pics around. Want to upload more pics as we went to the local dirt bike meet the other night and they had fireworks Gabby won the "who gets to detinate the fireworks" raffle. Of course I stuffed up the pics so only have one of her besdie the box. So when I get to work this stuff out I will post more.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

#12 of G,B&U of Cobarland: Santa at the pool.
Ever since we have been in Cobar, the social club that is run by brownboy's work has always had the children's Christmas party at the pool. This is a great day, hot dogs, snow cones, lollies, cooling down in the pool and going on the water slide!! Of course I'm not forgetting the big man. One year Santa bought water super soakers and the little lovies (and some big ones as well) went to town on the adults.
Alas this year it is to be no more. The water slide is getting replaced so is out of action for I think all summer. This is something which makes my blood boil. The council could have had this replaced with brand spanker BEFORE the pool opened in October.
Anyway the reason we are not having the chrissy party at the pool? New regs bought in by the state government children under 5 must be in the water with an adult within arms reach and kiddies 5 to 9 or 10 I think need to be within 3 metres of said child. Most parents with kids of the 2nd age group do not get in the pool with thier kids. So there you go. I think I'll put that on under ugly or maybe sad.
fyi: kiddy party is going to be at the Rugby club for family sports day. No shade and it will be around 40 degrees wooohoooo.