Tuesday, November 16, 2010

#13 of GB&U: Butterflies.
November is the time of year that we see the butterflies. When we came out here from Sydney we seemed to be driving though a sea of butterflies. It was the only bright spot in a very emotional journey (that and the margarita's the night before at some resturant).

This year they are around but not in the number's of past summers.
I thought I'd put in the ladybeetle as well, 'cause their cute.


  1. Oh seriously Mike should bite the bullet and let you get a macro lens. You have a knack for that type of photography and that lens would so make you smile larger. I'd buy it for you for Xmas or your Birthday it I had extra cash. Come on didn't some Mine stock come through this month!!!!!

  2. The butterfly photos took my breath away. Awesome!!!
