Wednesday, November 3, 2010

#12 of G,B&U of Cobarland: Santa at the pool.
Ever since we have been in Cobar, the social club that is run by brownboy's work has always had the children's Christmas party at the pool. This is a great day, hot dogs, snow cones, lollies, cooling down in the pool and going on the water slide!! Of course I'm not forgetting the big man. One year Santa bought water super soakers and the little lovies (and some big ones as well) went to town on the adults.
Alas this year it is to be no more. The water slide is getting replaced so is out of action for I think all summer. This is something which makes my blood boil. The council could have had this replaced with brand spanker BEFORE the pool opened in October.
Anyway the reason we are not having the chrissy party at the pool? New regs bought in by the state government children under 5 must be in the water with an adult within arms reach and kiddies 5 to 9 or 10 I think need to be within 3 metres of said child. Most parents with kids of the 2nd age group do not get in the pool with thier kids. So there you go. I think I'll put that on under ugly or maybe sad.
fyi: kiddy party is going to be at the Rugby club for family sports day. No shade and it will be around 40 degrees wooohoooo.


  1. That's so #@$#@%. With the waterslide.
    Came to Kamloops and they have same rules in the pool. I got chewed out with Hannah. Even though she'd just been at the swimming pool doing a program that said she could swim the length of the pool and back without help!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!
    I miss you today. Can you bike down to the shops with me and just talk?

  2. Yeah, I'll be right over hahahaha. I have not been on the bike in such a long time. 10 weeks!!
