Friday, December 30, 2011

Devil's Rock....

Sonumber 28 is Devils rock.

All I know about this is what the sign says. Local Aboriginals consider this place EVIL!!! So we take everyone there who visits Cobar and invaribly one or more people climb all over it. It is actually a monolith. Exactly like Uluru( Ayres Rock). It's either half or a quarter is showing and the rest is under the ground. Of corse in keeping with Cobar tradition of loving the mines, there is an old mine shaft right behind it. 2nd born thinks it's funny to climb under the barbed wire and teeter on the edge of it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

#27 Netball

So first born decided she wanted to play netball this year. Was a little bit unsure on how she would go but she loved it and especially loved the idea of getting her nickname embroided on the back of her shirt. So every Saturday morning we toddled down through rain, wind, sun and wind. Think i might hae a future little netball star....The highlight of "netters" was the Fathers Day game. Lots of laughs and a little bit of cheating on the daddy's behalf!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

#26 Sheep Dog Trials

Every year Cobar hosts sheep dog trials. Every year we go down and attempt to watch and either one or both of the kids become bored. Every year it rains. This year it was raining that hard that we were only able to get there right at the end. we watched a "lady" farmer put her dog through and she did very well and just missed out going through the next round.


So have been very slack and as much as i want to finish off 101 things of Cobar Iam thinking that I may not be able to do it. Life is a funny thing. We have just bought a hardware store so things for the last couple of months have been boardering on crazy.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


So number 25 in Good, Bad and Ugly of Cobarland.....we went to a clearing sale recently. This was held at a yard in the industrial area of town, when usually they are held on a station. What is a clearing sale??? It's just a huge garage sale, where EVERYTHING is for sale.

Usually old mate the farmer or his wife has passed on or the evil banks have forclosed and it's a fire sale. There was a huge amount of stuff for sale here. The general public was invited to bring their stuff and sell it off. It was fun to watch and see what was on offer. My daughter was really taken by the way the auctioneer was talking. Farm auctioneers speak very differently from real estate ones. but I must admit I don't mind listening to them roll all of those numbers off their tounge without skipping a beat. I even struggle to work out how much is being bidded!! It was a dusty,dirty, hot and interesting day. We decided not to buy the air hockey table!! Oh and the finch and his cage went for 40 dollars

Friday, September 2, 2011


#23 of Good, Bad and Ugly of Cobarland....hhhmmmm not sure if this is a combo of all 3!!

So we have the good as the lamb is a little girl and her name is Philly or Phillomenia. The bad is she wakes at 6am DEMANDING her milk. The ugly is that I came outside yesterday and she was so happy to see me she jumped up, and as her hooves slipped down my pants so did the poo that she had just trodden in.

But the kids are loving her and we only have her for the weekend so it's not a big drama. It has however made me realise that our rabbit Bunny Foo Foo may indeed be loney for company.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big Cobar Sign

#22: So I thought I should do the "Big" Cobar sign. It is a must for all people passing through our humble little town to stop and take a photo of this Landmark. As you can see from the first pic it is quite large and it sits in front of the slag heap of the old original mine that was used way back last century. I would love to take credit for the night shot but that goes to my friend and fellow photography lover Tim.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cobar Rodeo

#21 Good, bad and ugly...Cobar Rodeo.

So after many many years of not having a rodeo Cobar this year decided to put one on. It was held back in June and was a good day but terribly cold. 2nd born was busting ot get on the mechanical bull, the picture you see is the"before" hahaha the after ones were not happy.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pirates,puzzles and patty cakes....

#20 of Good, Bad and Ugly of Cobarland....Markets in the park. Cobar Public State Primary School held on Sunday a market day in the park.It was loads of fun.

We bought pattycakes, a puzzle for the grandparents, checked out the fire truck, ate doughnuts and drank lemonade. Aidan bought himself a pirate showbag and Gabriella picked up a fairy pencil. Bring on Spring I say..... with weather like this life is good!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

#19 Cobar Races....

So number 19 in Good, Bad and Ugly of Cobarland...

The Cobar races. I don't have any fantastic photo's of this year's races. I was feeling very poorly so had hubby take the photo's. Our computer died not too long ago and ALL of my pictures went into cyberspace hell. Past photo's were of my fabulous friends looking glamourous, children looking divine and loads of red dirt swirling about as the geegee's come galloping down the main straight.

Anyway you can sort of get a glimpse of what it is about, and admire my very special hat. Because my friends it may look beautiful and sunny but as with any outback area, looks can be deceiving. The wind if you happened to be out on it was bitterly cold. Therefore one of my better purchases a felt hat!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

#18: Motor bike riding....

So last weekend we went down to the "old Res" and went motor bike riding. This was a fun afternoon. We had just celebrated my 40th birthday and had family and friends come out from Sydney. So we thought we'd have a Sunday afternoon motorbike riding. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be hanging out with dirt bike riders or RIDING!!!

None of us were riding crazy and I do not know how to drive a manual car so I am incapable of getting out of 1st gear on my daughter's bike. She is the same so it's not like we are breeding speed demons. Will have to get Aidan a helmet and some bike gear as he is starting to love riding. Anyway I think everyone had a nice day, a sausage sizzle was had, magazines were read, kids laughing, and not too cold weather.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011



So I know it's been awhile but I think I might be back on track with 101 good,bad and ugly. So thought I'd put up a pic of my very, very green house. It's such a nice feeling to finally have our own house after renting for 4 and a half years. We have been busy trying to drag it kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Not all the rooms are finished but it's been fun and crazy. The kids have loved it as well as they had imput into what colours they want in their rooms. Which is a big step for me 'cause I'm kind of a control freak when it comes to that sort of stuff!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Well it's been awhile. So wherehave I been...I havebeen in computer hell. Our computer died and then it died again and it just kept on dying but now I am back and hopefully I can start uploadingpics. However in saying that I am about to go to Sydney for two weeks so it will be interesting to see what I can do from my sister's computer, so stay tuned!!