Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cocktail a week: week 4, Guava Bliss

Well here is one photo of many, I am hoping of me and my excellent friend Jo. We were very lucky to have her and her divine children come and stay with us for a few days...
.Brown boy was happy too as her hubby came a little bit later on so he had a friend to play with as well. Brown boy was our pool boy, we tried to picture him as a cute little Havier but it did'nt work....but he was good at refilling the drinks.
 Stayed in there all night while the kids watched TV and did God know's what else in the house...so it really was BLISS
So Guava bliss....this is really nice and refreshing.....hehehehehehe how can it not be with a cup of Vodka in it!!. I did halve the ingredients and it still made a jug.

So here is the recepie (the halved version) and try it...taste's great with or without the Vodka:
Half a cup of Vodka, one cup of guava juice, one cup of dry ginger ale, two table spoons of lime juice and a few drops of Angostura bitters. It also says about a quarter of a cup of mint leaves but they in my opinion are only good for getting stuck on your tounge when you try and drink. So I left them out
Mix the Vodka and guva juice, put in the fridge till needed. When ready to drink mix the rest of the ingredients and Bob's your uncle..
.well Clive is mine and not sure who owns Bob!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cocktail of the week, week 3: The Perfect Gift

Ok so this is fantastic, smells and tastes like musk. I did cheat a bit and put lemonade in it to dilute it up a bit. Verrra nice!! Brown boy took a swig and decided that it could be dangerous as you would not know how drunk you would be getting as it's like drinking liquid lollies....I could drink it all night and not give a shit YUMMO!!!

Cocktail a week, week 2: Santa's Sling-Shot

This is Santa's Sling-Shot.....what can I say....who on God's green Earth thought up this I ask you???
It is shite.....might as well swear in Irish as well. Brown boy tried it and the comment was "well it's not as bad as I thought it would be". Next time IF I made this again, I would put the bubbles in first not the Guinness......waiting for the head to go down before I could pour in  the bubbles was not my best idea....anyway try it you mike like it!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cocktail a week: week 1: Sugar Syrup...

So yes yes surprise surprise, I'm late as usual. But week on of 52 cocktails is Sugar Syrup!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

long time between drinks....

Wow so been a very long time since I've posted.....over a year. But after seeing one of my besties recently she made me realize I'm slack. So out with the 101 things of Cobar, and in with random cocktail a week. Brown Boy( my on certain days can be named as my better half) will be my model.....
So where have I been??
Well my last post I said we bought the local hardware store..well we have just sold the local hardware store. An opportunity came up and we decided to take it. Our buisness partner has bought us out. I'ts been a crazy 14mths. Long days were unfortunatly melting into longer nights and our poor kids were being dragged into this crazy world.. So now no more take away, no more constant talks about hardware,staff and other stuff that was doing my head in. Getting my husband back on Saturdays, and Sundays. Not sure if he is going to cope with this...hehehehehe besides on him catching up on all the jobbies round the house he has NOT done in the last 14mths. I have a million NEW jobs for him.
I will however be sad at not being able to buy my washing powder at cost, and being unable  lust over any new furniture catalogues that come in...we also had the local furniture barn as well.
It is a little bitter sweet. Not if you ask my kids. They threw a "woohoo we are out of that hellhole" party for themselves...
So onwards and upwards I guess.