Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cocktail a week: week 4, Guava Bliss

Well here is one photo of many, I am hoping of me and my excellent friend Jo. We were very lucky to have her and her divine children come and stay with us for a few days...
.Brown boy was happy too as her hubby came a little bit later on so he had a friend to play with as well. Brown boy was our pool boy, we tried to picture him as a cute little Havier but it did'nt work....but he was good at refilling the drinks.
 Stayed in there all night while the kids watched TV and did God know's what else in the house...so it really was BLISS
So Guava bliss....this is really nice and refreshing.....hehehehehehe how can it not be with a cup of Vodka in it!!. I did halve the ingredients and it still made a jug.

So here is the recepie (the halved version) and try it...taste's great with or without the Vodka:
Half a cup of Vodka, one cup of guava juice, one cup of dry ginger ale, two table spoons of lime juice and a few drops of Angostura bitters. It also says about a quarter of a cup of mint leaves but they in my opinion are only good for getting stuck on your tounge when you try and drink. So I left them out
Mix the Vodka and guva juice, put in the fridge till needed. When ready to drink mix the rest of the ingredients and Bob's your uncle..
.well Clive is mine and not sure who owns Bob!!!

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