Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cocktail of the week: week 7 Blue Bandit

So I did not end up going to a bar. Friday night I went out with some girlfriends and was going to order a martini, but I forgot. To be perfectly honest I was in a mood so I just wanted to get out of the resturant as fast as I could. So not that my friends read this but I am sorry for being a bitch, and odd on Friday night. So today is Sunday and it's still week 7 so here it is...Blue Bandit!!!
30mls of Gin
30mls of White Curacao
15mls of Blue Curacao
Shake all of ingredients in a cocktail shaker and serve..

Yeah I have no idea what this taste's like. It was Sunday morning and even I have my limits of when booze should be drunk. Also the thought of all booze and no mixer that is not a shot makes me a little queezy.
It looked pretty though

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cocktail of the week: white Christmas

Well I'm a little bit late in getting this up. My computer is slowing starting to drive me insane. But here it is:
YUMMO....White Christmas
1 litre of frozen passionfruit sorbet
750ml sparkling white wine, chilled
Place half of the wine and sorbet in a blender and blend until mixed.
Pour in to 4 glasses, and repeat with the other half and pour into another 4 glasses!!

I however hate passionfruit and only had lemon lime sorbet in my fridge, so I used that. Oh and I actually did'nt rad the instructions till after I took the photo and then realized that I had to blend all of the ingredients.
I just mixed it all up and it tasted nice. Actually my mum and I usually drink this every Christmas evening while playing bingo with my kids ( Christmas tradition's got to love 'em). So I was thinking too easy when I saw it. Oh have party pig spoon as well because I did'nt want to break my very good cocktail glass.
Next week Im hitting the pub, hear that Jo: the pub!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cocktail of the week, week 5: Sizzling Santa

FAAARRRRKKKKKKK, that is all I can say about this....actually I had a friend turn up and she said YYUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKK.
This is truly horrible, sorry all you whiskey drinkers. Whiskey, sugar and boiling water is a drink made in hell.
I'm not sure who made up these drinks, some look really yummy however I seem to be picking the foul ones!!!
So 60mls ofwhiskey, 1 table spoon of honey or brown sugar and fill the rest of the glass up with boiling water.
I guess if your not well and threw a bit of lemon in with it as well it would kill off any cold your fighting.That or knock you out for a couple of hours, if you mixed it with panadol.